#!/usr/bin/env python3 # fcw.py: a simple module/script collection for handling fcw files used by # the SMART Meeting Pro smartboard software. # Copyright 2019 Christopher Spinrath # fcw.py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # fcw.py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fcw.py. If not, see . import click import enum import io import os import pathlib import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import lxml.etree import zipfile TEMPDIR_SUFFIX = '.fcw.unpacked' MANIFEST_FILE = 'imsmanifest.xml' METADATA_FILE = 'metadata.xml' MANIFEST_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imscp_v1p1' SMARTNOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.smarttech.com/2006-01/notebook' MANIFEST_NAMESPACES = { 'default': MANIFEST_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'lom': 'http://ltsc.ieee.org/xsd/LOM', 'smartgallery': 'http://www.smarttech.com/2006-01/gallery', 'smartnotebook': SMARTNOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE, } METADATA_NAMESPACES = { 'lom': 'http://ltsc.ieee.org/xsd/LOM', 'smartgallery': 'http://www.smarttech.com/2006-01/gallery', } FILE_TAG_NAME = '{{{}}}file'.format(MANIFEST_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) class FCWResource(enum.Enum): PAGES = 'pages' IMAGES = 'images' SOUNDS = 'sounds' ATTACHMENTS = 'attachments' FLASH = 'flash' VIDEOS = 'videos' ANNOTATIONMETADATA = 'annotationmetadata' BRUSH = 'brush' class FCWFile: def __init__(self, filename): self._manifest = None self._metadata = None self._filename = filename self._workdir_handler = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix = TEMPDIR_SUFFIX) self._unpack() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self._workdir_handler: self._workdir_handler.cleanup() return False # we don't handle exceptions here @property def workdir(self): return pathlib.Path(self._workdir_handler.name) @property def filename(self): return self._filename @property def manifest_filename(self): return self.workdir / MANIFEST_FILE @property def metadata_filename(self): return self.workdir / METADATA_FILE @property def manifest(self): if not self._manifest: self._manifest = lxml.etree.parse(str(self.manifest_filename)) return self._manifest @property def metadata(self): if not self._metadata: self._metadata = lxml.etree.parse(str(self.metadata_filename)) return self._metadata @property def manifest_version(self): root = self.manifest.getroot() return root.attrib['version'] @property def creationdatetime(self): root = self.metadata.getroot() query = './/lom:lifeCycle/smartgallery:creationdatetime' tag = root.find(query, METADATA_NAMESPACES) return tag.text @property def filesource(self): root = self.manifest.getroot() return root.attrib["{{{}}}filesource".format(SMARTNOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE)] def get_resources(self, identifier): root = self.manifest.getroot() query = './/default:resources/default:resource[@identifier="{}"]'.format(identifier.value) tags = root.findall(query, MANIFEST_NAMESPACES) assert len(tags) == 1, 'Failed to query resources \"{}\"'.format(identifier) return tags[0] def _get_file_path(self, xml_element): # So far all paths were windows paths, thus we have to parse them as such return pathlib.PureWindowsPath(xml_element.attrib['href']) def get_pages(self): return self.get_resource_files(FCWResource.PAGES) def get_resource_files(self, resource_type): resources = self.get_resources(resource_type) tags = resources.findall('default:file', MANIFEST_NAMESPACES) return [ self._get_file_path(t) for t in tags ] def get_all_resource_files(self): return sum([ self.get_resource_files(r) for r in FCWResource ], []) def get_startpage(self): resources = self.get_resources(FCWResource.PAGES) startpage = self._get_file_path(resources) pages = self.get_pages() index = pages.index(startpage) return (index, startpage) def set_startpage(self, index): pages = self.get_pages() new_startpage = pathlib.PureWindowsPath(pages[index]) resources = self.get_resources(FCWResource.PAGES) resources.set('href', str(new_startpage)) def _get_max_page_index(self): pages = self.get_pages() regex = '[0-9]+' # We assume here that page files are named pageN.svg where N is a natural number indices = ( int(re.search(regex, str(p)).group()) for p in pages ) return max(indices) def append_svg(self, svg_filename): next_page_index = self._get_max_page_index() + 1 # new_name has to be a WindowsPath because we write it to the manifest new_name = pathlib.PureWindowsPath("page{}.svg".format(next_page_index)) self._append_resource_file(FCWResource.PAGES, svg_filename, new_name) def append_pages(self, other): for page in other.get_pages(): old_filename = other.workdir / page self.append_svg(old_filename) def _append_resources(self, other, resource_type): other_resources = other.get_resources(resource_type) self_resource_files = self.get_all_resource_files() for r in other_resources: if r.tag != FILE_TAG_NAME: print("WARNING: Unknown resource tag for type \"{}\" in {}.".format(resource_type.value, other.filename)) print("WARNING: unable to merge, the output file might be broken/unusable!") continue href = other._get_file_path(r) #TODO: in the following case more can be done, but inter-resources references # had to be adapted as well, in particular, those in pages if href in self_resource_files: print("WARNING: both files have a resource named \"{}\".".format(href)) print("WARNING: unable to merge, the output file might be broken/unusable!") continue other_filename = other.workdir / href self._append_resource_file(resource_type, other_filename, href) def _append_resource_file(self, resource_type, src_filename, href): # make sure href is a WindowsPath, since we are writing it to the manifest href = pathlib.PureWindowsPath(href) new_filename = self.workdir / href assert not new_filename.exists() new_filename.parent.mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True) shutil.copy(src_filename, new_filename) lxml.etree.SubElement( self.get_resources(resource_type), FILE_TAG_NAME, attrib = { 'href': str(href) }, ) def append(self, other): self.append_pages(other) for r in FCWResource: if r == FCWResource.PAGES: continue self._append_resources(other, r) def export_pdf(self, target, interactive = False): from cairosvg import svg2pdf from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger from tqdm import tqdm merger = PdfFileMerger() pages = self.get_pages() for page in tqdm(pages, disable = not interactive): filename = self.workdir / page pdf = svg2pdf(url = str(filename)) pdfstream = io.BytesIO(pdf) merger.append(fileobj = pdfstream) merger.write(str(target)) def save(self, filename = None): if filename is None: filename = self.filename # write manifest self.manifest.write( str(self.manifest_filename), encoding = 'UTF-8', xml_declaration = True, standalone = True, ) self._pack(filename) def _pack(self, filename): with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w') as zf: for directory, subdirectories, filenames in os.walk(self.workdir): for filename in filenames: reldir = pathlib.Path(directory).relative_to(self.workdir) rel_filename = reldir / filename abs_filename = self.workdir / rel_filename zf.write(str(abs_filename), arcname = str(rel_filename)) def _unpack(self): with zipfile.ZipFile(self.filename, 'r') as zf: zf.extractall(self.workdir) @click.group() def __cli(): pass @__cli.command(name = 'topdf') @click.argument('input', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) @click.argument('output', required = False, type = click.Path(exists = False, writable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) def __fcw2pdf(input, output): input = pathlib.Path(input) if output is None: if input.suffix == '.fcw': output = input.with_suffix('.pdf') else: output = input.with_name(input.name + '.pdf') click.echo(":: Converting {} to {}.".format(input, output)) with FCWFile(input) as fcw: fcw.export_pdf(output, interactive = True) @__cli.command(name = 'merge') @click.argument('input1', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) @click.argument('input2', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) @click.argument('output', type = click.Path(exists = False, writable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) def __fcwmerge(input1, input2, output): click.echo(":: Merging {} and {} into {}".format(input1, input2, output)) with FCWFile(input1) as fcw1, FCWFile(input2) as fcw2: fcw1.append(fcw2) fcw1.save(output) #NOTE: Appending arbitrary SVG files does not work, thus the following command is disabled. # It seems only a subset of the SVG spec/only some CSS classes are available in SMART Meeting Pro. #@__cli.command(name = 'append-svg') #@click.argument('input', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) #@click.argument('svgfile', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) #@click.argument('output', type = click.Path(exists = False, writable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) #def __fcwappendsvg(input, svgfile, output): # click.echo(":: Appending {} to {} resulting in {}".format(svgfile, input, output)) # # with FCWFile(input) as fcw: # fcw.append_svg(svgfile) # fcw.save(output) @__cli.command(name = 'info') @click.argument('input', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) def __fcwinfo(input): with FCWFile(input) as fcw: click.echo("Manifest version: {}".format(fcw.manifest_version)) click.echo("Creation datetime: {}".format(fcw.creationdatetime)) click.echo("Filesource: {}".format(fcw.filesource)) index, startpage = fcw.get_startpage() click.echo("Start page index: {} (internal page name is {})".format(index, startpage)) click.echo() click.echo("Resources:") for resource in FCWResource: click.echo("#{}: {}".format(resource.value, len(list(fcw.get_resources(resource))))) @__cli.command(name = 'set-startpage') @click.argument('input', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) @click.argument('index', type = click.INT) @click.argument('output', required = False, type = click.Path(exists = False, writable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) def __fcwsetstartpage(input, index, output): print("WARNING: this function has never been tested!") if output is None: output = input with FCWFile(input) as fcw: fcw.set_startpage(index) fcw.save(output) index, newstartpage = fcw.get_startpage() print("New startpage index is {} (internal page name is {})".format(index, newstartpage)) @__cli.command(name = 'print-manifest') @click.argument('input', type = click.Path(exists = True, readable = True, file_okay = True, dir_okay = False)) def __fcwmanifest(input): with FCWFile(input) as fcw: stream = io.BytesIO() fcw.manifest.write(stream, encoding = 'utf-8', xml_declaration = True, standalone = True) stream.seek(0) print(stream.read().decode('utf-8')) @__cli.command(name = 'license') def __license(): progname = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).name click.echo("{} Copyright (C) 2019 Christopher Spinrath ".format(progname)) click.echo("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.") click.echo("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it") click.echo("under certain conditions; see the LICENSE file for details.") def __main(): progmap = { 'fcw2pdf': __fcw2pdf, 'fcwmerge': __fcwmerge, 'fcwinfo': __fcwinfo, } progname = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).name if progname in progmap: prog = progmap[progname] else: prog = __cli() prog() if __name__ == "__main__": __main()