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2018-04-29 12:40:12 +02:00
% PACKAGE: NewNotation
% AUTHOR: Gaetano Geck
% * rtl - Enables right-to-left orientation of table columns
% * 2015-12-23: First stable version, supporting:
% (v0.1) - commands with/without parameters
% - commands with/without descriptions
% - counting of uses of commands
% - grouped tables
% * 2015-12-25: Added
% (v0.2) - support for new tables
% - saving/loading of tables
% * 2015-12-25: use \newrobustcmd instead of \newcommand
% * 2015-12-26: - Added support for long tables and multiline descriptions
% (v0.3) - Renamed commands, allowed respecification of text & layout
% - Added support for right-to-left tables
% - Allowed specification of layout for table and groups
% * 2015-12-27: - Use package 'translations'
% (v0.4) - Allowed specification of layout for column headers
% * 2015-12-28: - Complete refacorization of the implementation
% (v0.5) (using lists, booleans)
% - Handled printing of empty groups
% - Support detailed and non-detailed tables
% * 2015-12-28: - Support redefinition
% (v0.6)
% * 2015-12-28: - Support package warnings and error messages
% (v0.7) - Support customized argument replacements
% * 2015-12-29: - Print number of arguments in detailed table
% (v0.8) - Improved spacing in output
% * 2015-12-29: Support output levels
% (v0.9)
% * 2015-12-29: Loosened dependency on babel
% (v0.91)
% * 2016-02-21: Added support for default values for optional first arguments.
% (v0.92)
% * 2016-06-18: Added starred versions for \newnotation and \renewnotation,
% (v0.93) which do do not embrace the replacement such that additional
% spaces (as for math relation or operator symbols) remain.
% * 2016-09-10: Added support for classes.
% (v0.94)
% * 2018-02-07: Added support relation symbols.
% (v0.95)
\ProvidesPackage{newnotation}[2018/02/07 v0.95]
% -----------------
% 1. Translations
% 2. Internal interface
% a) Layout
% b) Printing
% c) Groups
% 3. External interface
% a) Layout
% b) Printing
% c) Groups/Tables
% d) Defining notation
% BEGIN OF IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------
%!helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------
\DeclareOption{rtl}{\setboolean{@NNUseRTL}{true}} % right-to-left
% =============================================================================
% 1. TRANSLATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------
% =============================================================================
\DeclareTranslationFallback{Table of notation}{Table of notation}%
\DeclareTranslation{German}{Table of notation}{Notationstabelle}%
\DeclareTranslationFallback{macro name}{macro name}%
\DeclareTranslation{German}{macro name}{Makroname}%
\DeclareTranslationFallback{no entries}{no entries}%
\DeclareTranslation{German}{no entries}{keine Einträge}%
% =============================================================================
% 2. INTERNAL INTERFACE--------------------------------------------------------
% =============================================================================
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 2a) Layout
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% NOTE: Redefinition of these layouters from outside this package is easily
% possible by using the commands defined in Section 3a).
% *************************************
% \@NNShowIf
% *************************************
% Fancy layout for argument numbers in a command description:
% shows text a_1 only if a_2 <= a_3, for another given number a_3:
\newcommand{\@NNShowIf}[3]{\ifthenelse{#2 > #3}{}{{\@NNLAYOUTArgument{#1}}}}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 2b) Printing
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% *************************************
% \@NNPrintTableHeader
% *************************************
% Print non-detailed or detailed table header
% either left-to-right or right-to-left.
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{symbol}} &%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{description}} \\%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{description}} & %
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{symbol}} \\ %
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{symbol}} &%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{macro name}} &%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{uses}} &%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{uses}} &%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{macro name}} &%
\@NNLAYOUTColumnHeader{\gettranslation{symbol}} \\%
% *************************************
% \@NNPrintCommand
% *************************************
% Fancy output of symbol by macro expansion (with number arguments).
\csname @NNCommandOfEntry#1\endcsname%
% *************************************
% \@NNPrintCommandName
% *************************************
\csname @NNMacroNameOfEntry#1\endcsname%
\expandafter\ifthenelse{\csname @NNArgumentsOfEntry#1\endcsname < 1}{}{%
[\csname @NNArgumentsOfEntry#1\endcsname]}%
% *************************************
% \@NNPrintEntry
% *************************************
{\@NNPrintCommand{#1} & \csname @NNDescriptionOfEntry#1\endcsname \\}%
{\csname @NNDescriptionOfEntry#1\endcsname & \@NNPrintCommand{#1} \\}%
\@NNPrintCommand{#1} & %
\@NNPrintCommandName{#1} & %
\csname @NNNumberOfUsesOfEntry#1\endcsname & %
\csname @NNDescriptionOfEntry#1\endcsname \\ %
\csname @NNDescriptionOfEntry#1\endcsname & %
\csname @NNNumberOfUsesOfEntry#1\endcsname & %
\@NNPrintCommandName{#1} & %
\@NNPrintCommand{#1} \\ %
% *************************************
% \@NNPrintGroup
% *************************************
\ifthenelse{\expandafter\value{@NNNumberOfEntriesInGroup#1} < 1}%
\noindent\expandafter\@NNLAYOUTGroup{\csname @NNNameOfGroup#1\endcsname}%
\ifthenelse{\expandafter\value{@NNNumberOfEntriesInGroup#1} < 1}%
{\setboolean{@NNPrintGroup}{false}\gettranslation{no entries}}%
\@NNPrintTableHeader %
\forlistcsloop{\@NNPrintEntry}{@NNEntriesInGroup#1} %
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 2c) Grouping
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ifthenelse{\value{@NNCounter#1} > 0 }%
% =============================================================================
% EXTERNAL COMMANDS -----------------------------------------------------------
% =============================================================================
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 3a) Layout
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ifthenelse{#1 = 1}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentA}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 2}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentB}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 3}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentC}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 4}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentD}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 5}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentE}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 6}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentF}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 7}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentG}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 8}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentH}{#2}}{%
\ifthenelse{#1 = 9}{\renewcommand{\@NNArgumentI}{#2}}%
{\PackageWarning{newnotation}{notationarg: Invalid argument number}{Must be an integer between 1 and 9.}}%
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 3b) Printing
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% *************************************
% \tableofnotation
% *************************************
% Print groups in current table (without macro name or number of uses).
{% (deliberate free line below)
\@NNLAYOUTTable{\gettranslation{Table of notation}}
% (deliberate free line above)
\ifthenelse{\@nameuse{@NNOutputLevelOfGroup##1} < #1}{}{%
% *************************************
% \detailedtableofnotation
% *************************************
% Print groups in current table (with macro name and number of uses).
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 3c) Groups/Tables
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% *************************************
% \notationnewgroup
% *************************************
% Creates a subtable with the given group name.
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\notationnewgroup}{O{0} m}{%
% *************************************
% \notationnewtable
% *************************************
% Creates a new table.
\notationnewtable % create new table right at the beginning
% *************************************
% \notationsavetable
% *************************************
% Saves current table's groups in a variable of the given name.
% *************************************
% \notationloadtable
% *************************************
% Restores current table's groups from the variable of the given name
\ifcsundef{@NNTable#1}{\PackageError{newnotation}{notationloadtable: Unknown table '#1'.}{Misspelled name?}}{}%
\expandafter\setcounter{@NNCurrentGroup}{\csname @NNTableCurrentGroup#1\endcsname}%
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 3d) Defining notation
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% *************************************
% \newnotationclass
% *************************************
% Define a class and its replacement
% *************************************
% \newnotation
% *************************************
% Define macro and add entry to current group.
% Arguments:
% 1. star: prevent extra embracing
% 2. optional: class name
% 3. mandatory: macro name
% 4. optional: number of arguments (default: 0)
% 5. optional: default value for first argument
% 6. mandatory: replacement
% 7. optional: description for table of notation
% 8. optional: description of arguments for table of notation
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\newnotation}{s o m O{0} o m O{} O{}}{%
% Check whether macro is already defined:
{\PackageError{newnotation}{newnotation: Command '\string#3' already defined.}{Misspelled name?}}{}%
% DEFAULT VALUE: no ------------------------------------------------
% CLASS: no --------------------------------------------
%{no class defined}{class defined}
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% CLASS: yes -------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% DEFAULT VALUE: yes -----------------------------------------------
% CLASS: no --------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% CLASS: yes -------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% *************************************
% \newrelation
% *************************************
% Define macro and add entry to current group.
% Arguments:
% 1. star: prevent extra embracing
% 2. optional: class name
% 3. mandatory: macro name
% 4. optional: number of arguments (default: 0)
% 5. optional: default value for first argument
% 6. mandatory: replacement
% 7. optional: description for table of notation
% 8. optional: description of arguments for table of notation
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\newrelation}{s o m O{0} o m O{} O{}}{%
% Check whether macro is already defined:
{\PackageError{newnotation}{newrelation: Command '\string#3' already defined.}{Misspelled name?}}{}%
% DEFAULT VALUE: no ------------------------------------------------
% CLASS: no --------------------------------------------
%{no class defined}{class defined}
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% CLASS: yes -------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% DEFAULT VALUE: yes -----------------------------------------------
% CLASS: no --------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% CLASS: yes -------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% *************************************
% \renewnotation
% *************************************
% Redefine macro and add entry to current group.
% Arguments:
% 1. star: prevent extra embracing
% 2. optional: class name
% 3. mandatory: macro name
% 4. optional: number of arguments (default: 0)
% 5. optional: default value for first argument
% 6. mandatory: replacement
% 7. optional: description for table of notation
% 8. optional: description of arguments for table of notation
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\renewnotation}{s o m O{0} o m O{} O{}}{%
% Check whether macro is not defined so far:
2018-04-29 12:40:12 +02:00
{\PackageError{newnotation}{renewnotation: Command '\string#2' not defined.}%
{Misspelled name?}}{}%
% DEFAULT VALUE: no ------------------------------------------------
% CLASS: no --------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% CLASS: yes -------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% DEFAULT VALUE: yes -----------------------------------------------
% CLASS: no --------------------------------------------
%{no class defined}{class defined}
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
% CLASS: yes -------------------------------------------
% STAR: yes
% STAR: no
\makeatother %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% END OF IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%