
52 lines
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2017-09-11 13:03:20 +02:00
package jgibblda;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.*;
public class LDACmdOption {
@Option(name="-est", usage="Specify whether we want to estimate model from scratch")
public boolean est = false;
@Option(name="-estc", usage="Specify whether we want to continue the last estimation")
public boolean estc = false;
@Option(name="-inf", usage="Specify whether we want to do inference")
public boolean inf = true;
@Option(name="-infseparately", usage="Do inference for each document separately")
public boolean infSeparately = false;
@Option(name="-unlabeled", usage="Ignore document labels")
public boolean unlabeled = false;
@Option(name="-dir", usage="Specify directory")
public String dir = "";
@Option(name="-dfile", usage="Specify data file (*.gz)")
public String dfile = "";
@Option(name="-model", usage="Specify the model name")
public String modelName = "";
@Option(name="-alpha", usage="Specify alpha")
public double alpha = -1;
@Option(name="-beta", usage="Specify beta")
public double beta = -1;
@Option(name="-ntopics", usage="Specify the number of topics")
public int K = 100;
@Option(name="-niters", usage="Specify the number of iterations")
public int niters = 1000;
@Option(name="-nburnin", usage="Specify the number of burn-in iterations")
public int nburnin = 500;
@Option(name="-samplinglag", usage="Specify the sampling lag")
public int samplingLag = 5;
@Option(name="-twords", usage="Specify the number of most likely words to be printed for each topic")
public int twords = 100;