2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import csv
import random
import re
import spacy
import textacy
import sys
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
import keras
import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Dense, SimpleRNN, LSTM, TimeDistributed, Dropout
from keras.models import Sequential
import keras.backend as K
def printRandomDoc(textacyCorpus):
print("len(textacyCorpus) = %i" % len(textacyCorpus))
randIndex = int((len(textacyCorpus) - 1) * random.random())
print("Index: {0} ; Text: {1} ; Metadata: {2}".format(randIndex, textacyCorpus[randIndex].text, textacyCorpus[randIndex].metadata))
def getFirstSynonym(word, thesaurus_gen):
word = word.lower()
# TODO word cleaning https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3939361/remove-specific-characters-from-a-string-in-python
# durch den thesaurrus iterieren
for syn_block in thesaurus_gen: # syn_block ist eine liste mit Synonymen
# durch den synonymblock iterieren
for syn in syn_block:
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
syn = syn.lower().split(" ") if not re.match(r'\A[\w-]+\Z', syn) else syn # aus synonym mach liste (um evtl. sätze zu identifieziren)
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# falls das wort in dem synonym enthalten ist (also == einem Wort in der liste ist)
if word in syn:
# Hauptform suchen
if "auptform" in syn:
# nicht ausgeben, falls es in Klammern steht
for w in syn:
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
if not re.match(r'\([^)]+\)', w) and w is not None:
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return w
# falls keine hauptform enthalten ist, das erste Synonym zurückgeben, was kein satz ist und nicht in klammern steht
if len(syn) == 1:
w = syn[0]
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
if not re.match(r'\([^)]+\)', w) and w is not None:
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return w
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return word # zur Not die eingabe ausgeben
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
def cleanText(string,custom_stopwords=None, custom_symbols=None, custom_words=None, customPreprocessing=None, lemmatize=False):
import re
# use preprocessing
if customPreprocessing is not None:
string = customPreprocessing(string)
if custom_stopwords is not None:
custom_stopwords = custom_stopwords
custom_stopwords = []
if custom_words is not None:
custom_words = custom_words
custom_words = []
if custom_symbols is not None:
custom_symbols = custom_symbols
custom_symbols = []
# custom stoplist
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9806963/how-to-use-pythons-import-function-properly-import
stop_words = __import__("spacy." + PARSER.lang, globals(), locals(), ['object']).STOP_WORDS
stoplist =list(stop_words) + custom_stopwords
# List of symbols we don't care about either
symbols = ["-----","---","...","“","”",".","-","<",">",",","?","!","..","n’t","n't","|","||",";",":","…","’s","'s",".","(",")","[","]","#"] + custom_symbols
# get rid of newlines
string = string.strip().replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")
# replace twitter
mentionFinder = re.compile(r"@[a-z0-9_]{1,15}", re.IGNORECASE)
string = mentionFinder.sub("MENTION", string)
# replace emails
emailFinder = re.compile(r"\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}\b", re.IGNORECASE)
string = emailFinder.sub("EMAIL", string)
# replace urls
urlFinder = re.compile(r"^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9./]+$", re.IGNORECASE)
string = urlFinder.sub("URL", string)
# replace HTML symbols
string = string.replace("&", "and").replace(">", ">").replace("<", "<")
# parse with spaCy
spacy_doc = PARSER(string)
tokens = []
added_entities = ["WORK_OF_ART","ORG","PRODUCT", "LOC"]#,"PERSON"]
added_POS = ["NOUN", "NUM" ]#,"VERB","ADJ"] #IDEE NUM mit in den Corpus aufnehmen, aber fürs TopicModeling nur Nomen http://aclweb.org/anthology/U15-1013
# append Tokens to a list
for tok in spacy_doc:
if tok.pos_ in added_POS:
if lemmatize:
# add entities
if tok.ent_type_ in added_entities:
# remove stopwords
tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if tok not in stoplist]
# remove symbols
tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if tok not in symbols]
# remove custom_words
tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if tok not in custom_words]
# remove single characters
tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if len(tok)>1]
# remove large strings of whitespace
while "" in tokens:
while " " in tokens:
tokens.remove(" ")
while "\n" in tokens:
while "\n\n" in tokens:
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
tokenz = []
for tok in tokens:
tokens = tokenz
tokens = [str(getFirstSynonym(tok,THESAURUS_gen)) for tok in tokens]
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
return " ".join(tokens)
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
def generateTextfromXML(path2xml, clean=True, textfield='Beschreibung'):
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse(path2xml, ET.XMLParser(encoding="utf-8"))
root = tree.getroot()
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
for subject in root.iter(textfield):
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if clean:
yield cleanText(subject.text)
yield subject.text
def generateMetadatafromXML(path2xml, keys=["Loesung","Kategorie","Zusammenfassung"]):
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse(path2xml, ET.XMLParser(encoding="utf-8"))
root = tree.getroot()
metadata = dict.fromkeys(keys)
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
for ticket in root.findall('ticket'):
for key in metadata:
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
metadata[key] = ticket.find(key).text
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yield metadata
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
def generateFromXML(path2xml, clean=True, textfield='Beschreibung'):
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse(path2xml, ET.XMLParser(encoding="utf-8"))
root = tree.getroot()
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2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
for ticket in root:
metadata = {}
text = "ERROR"
for field in ticket:
if field.tag == textfield:
if clean:
text = cleanText(field.text)
text = field.text
metadata[field.tag] = field.text
yield text, metadata
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00
DATAPATH = "ticketSamples.xml"
DATAPATH_thesaurus = "openthesaurus.csv"
PARSER = spacy.load(LANGUAGE)
THESAURUS_gen = textacy.fileio.read_csv(DATAPATH_thesaurus, delimiter=";") # generator [[a,b,c,..],[a,b,c,..],...]
## files to textacy-corpus
textacyCorpus = textacy.Corpus(PARSER)
print("add texts to textacy-corpus...")
2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
#textacyCorpus.add_texts(texts=generateTextfromXML(DATAPATH), metadatas=generateMetadatafromXML(DATAPATH))
for txt, dic in generateFromXML(DATAPATH):
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2017-08-30 12:56:59 +02:00
2017-08-29 15:01:17 +02:00